
The Ile-de-France region’s Water Syndicate launched a project management request for proposals, meant to supervise the Puteaux’s new drinking water pumping station in place of the existing plant and reservoirs that date back to the 1910s.  This industrial compound covers a 450 m2 ground footprint and was built on two levels. It contains:

  • 3 pumping units of 530 m3/h to 5.5 m HMT;
  • A chlorination unit;
  • Electrical equipment (delivery station, transformers, TGBT premises and automation);
  • HVAC equipment (heating, ventilation, air conditioning);
  • Handling equipment (2-ton crane).


Under normal operation, the new station feeds a 2nd level network that is connected to Mount Valerian’s tanks, designed for a population of about 12,800 inhabitants (average flow of 4,400 m3/d).
In more non-standard cases, it secures a 1st level network, supplied by Choisy-le-Roi’s water treatment plant, and provides water for a population of about 1,750,000.
It also provides water (with a flow rate of 1,730 m3/h) for fire-fighting purposes for the Defense (Paris’ major business district).



setec tpi led the design and construction Project Management Joint Venture and carried out the design and supervision of civil engineering work.


Key information

Client:  Ile-de-France Water Union (SEDIF)

Design & Construction PM JV: setec tpi (contractor) – EPI – Michel REMON Architecture Workshop

Construction companies:  Sogea GC IDF – Modern Buildings – Cico Centre – Actemium – ID Verde

Cost of construction: 8.6 million excluding taxes

Duration: 2009 – 2016


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The project was accomplished thanks to a broad-spectrum eco-design and environmental management approach. All the rubble from the demolition of the existing structures was crushed directly on site and recycled into mass embankments.

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Testing the technical feasibility of on-site reuse of demolition materials has involved numerous preliminary analyses:

  • initial environmental diagnosis,
  • waste audit,
  • asbestos diagnosis,
  • physical-chemical analyses
  • laboratory identification tests.

These tests were all framed and required by strict regulation.

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